The Mosaic Studio of Hana Stenzler and Simcha Hart

The Mosaic Studio of Hana Stenzler and Simcha Hart


Combining multiple artistic passions, a dual perspective and the endlessly inspiring feedback of a sympathetic eye and partner we, Hana Stentzler and Simcha Hart, enrich each other’s personal expression and the experience of creation.

We work in a studio we have set up in Kiryat Bialik. We share ideas, inspire one another and have grown together in our art. We present to you our body of work, an amalgamation of sculpture, painting and our shared passion: mosaic. 

Our passion for art straddles the traditional and the modern, combining the esthetics of traditional art and the freedom of emotive expression of the expressionists. We create both for our own edification and by commission, employing a range of materials spanning from the conventional to the esoteric. While the component parts of our sculpture and painting lean toward the traditional, our mosaics contain a wide selection of raw material including: river rocks, shingles, ceramic tiles, porcelain plates and glass. 

We hope you find our art as inspiring and expressive to view as we found it satisfying and enlightening to create.

Hana Stenzler view Hana's Art Gallery

Haifa born and a resident of Kiryat Bialik. A graduate of Gordon Academy in preadolescent education, I work as a kindergarten teacher under the national department of education. I am a self taught artist and creator and fill every moment I have to myself with drawing, painting, mosaics and sculpture.

The inspiration for my work comes mostly from within. Events, experiences, thoughts, emotions and imagination find expression and representation in visual and plastic methods. It all comes together as a colorful celebration between lines, colors, shapes, textures and materials that infuse an added spiritual pleasure. The compositions are born of an internal drive to create and certainly serve to improve the quality of life in my environment. 

The enchantment of mosaic

My path into art began with painting and my exposure to the art of mosaic was by observing the wide range of creations possible from the combination of stones, ceramic, shingles, river rocks, glass and so on. 

I was turned onto the art of mosaic. 

Then I broke, I built, I loved!!! 

The potential possibilities of an additional mode of expression thrilled me. I find it enthralling how small, colorful pieces can connect to form one whole piece that becomes a visual celebration, an entire world of beauty and esthetics. 

I too was ensnared by the magic of mosaic. 

Simcha Hart view Simcha's Art Gallery

Haifa born and a resident of Kiryat Bialik. A graduate of the Technion in Construction Engineering I dealt with engineering design and execution of residential and industrial buildings as well as public institutions for over thirty years both for my family business and outside endeavors. A few years ago I elected to resign from my post in the family business so as to allow the time and clarity of mind I needed to fully immerse myself in my art. 

Though my work did not afford me much free time, the penchant for artistic expression, which has been there since I can remember, continued to brew. I devoted every minute I could spare to my art. At first it was sculpture which held my attention, which I began in a sculpture class at Rothchild House taught by the internationally acclaimed Jonathan Darmon. 

Mosaic trickled in later. Starting as a finishing touch for my buildings, I would put together a board of mosaic reading: “Built by Hart Ltd.”. One day, on a tour with friends at Kibutz Eylon I had the opportunity to see their mosaic factory. I was familiar with their materials, having used their stones for my sporadic dabbling in the art, but that simply did not prepare me for the thrill I would find in making it myself. Seeing the work in the factory infused me with an exhilaration that I would later satisfy in my own studio. 

As I worked more and more with mosaic I found the scope of my expression and creations limited by the range of materials I had. Buying the stones in jars from the kibutz provided me with stones of only certain shapes, colors and textures for my work. This lead me to purchase the tools and machines necessary to make my own building blocks from a variety of raw materials around me. I am a tactile person and my passion for art is all the more enriched by my tools which allow me to connect to every piece I use before it even enters the composition. 

My favorite medium is stone. I employ quarry rock, marble, granite, ceramics and more in my art now that I am able to prepare the materials myself in my studio. This allows me a much greater freedom with my craft and all at once elevates its quality, as I can cut and sand the pieces with the final composition in mind rather than having to compromise on the work to fit the materials available. 

On trips abroad, while others would return with gifts purchased at the Duty Free, I would return with rocks and pebbles stowed in my luggage. I love the feel of them and the work involved in cutting, shaping and sanding them. These steps are all integral parts of my work. 

Translation-Noam Hart, California, U.S.A.

Photography: Harel Raphy, Itay Gal

Contact us:   Phone: +972 54 6355923

© All rights reserved to Hana Stenzler and Simcha Hart 2008